Discover the Top 10 Best Decks in Marvel Snap in this weekly meta guide! This week, we had a MASSIVE OTA UPDATE that has shaken up the meta (and its decks)!

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Get insights on the best new decks, deck breakdowns, and meta analysis to stay ahead of the competition. Explore meta-defining decks and strategies, and optimize your Marvel Snap gameplay for the ranked ladder. Whether you’re a casual player or a Marvel Snap enthusiast, this meta deck showcase will provide you with the latest meta trends and deck tech to help you dominate the battlefield. Stay in the loop with the best decks in Marvel Snap and elevate your rank to the next level!

Business Inquires:

I encourage you to investigate other opinions regarding the meta before committing any resources or tokens to the cards in these decks. All decks have been researched using a variety of sources and data points.

Sign up for Untapped’s Marvel Snap Deck Tracker using this link to track your decks, progress, and to explore the meta! (using this link and signing up directly supports the channel)!
Deck Codes:

1) Bounce Still Bounces

2) Evolutionary Lockdown

3) Thanos Control

4) Sauron & Shuri

5) Magikal Nimrod Destroy

6) Magik Trick Surfer

7) Magikal Negative Surfer

8) Ghost Spider Bounce

9) Hela Tribunal

10) Iron Patriot

0:00 Intro
1:13 Deck 1 – Bounce (Still Bounces)
2:50 Deck 2 – High Evo Lockdown
3:49 Deck 3 – Thanos Control
4:58 Deck 4 – Sauron & Shuri
6:06 Deck 5 – Magikal Nimrod Destroy
7:42 Deck 6 – Magik Trick Surfer
9:29 Deck 7 – Magikal Negative Surfer
11:21 Deck 8 – Ghost Spider Bounce
12:38 Deck 9 – Hela Tribunal
14:14 Deck 10 – Iron Patriot
Top 10 Best Decks in Marvel Snap | Weekly Marvel Snap Meta Report #37

I am a member of the Marvel Snap content creator program ().

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