Still having a blast with this deck, and the other day someone suggested using Zola on Shang on one of my Phoenix Force clips, so when I stole a copy of my opponent’s Zola from their own Phoenix deck, it felt like the perfect time to go for the ole “Shang-Zola”

I’ve mentioned before that the success of this deck does largely depend on the strength of the cards you steal from your opponent’s deck, which is why the last two sessions I’ve had with this deck were A: a win streak that took me to rank 86,and B: a loss streak that saw me slide back down to 79…. Aaaah the stress of these bloody ranks.

To be honest though, the best card back out this season is tied to the season pass any way, and that’s the Phoenix Force one. I’m not really too taken by the gold Echo. It’s bragging rights, sure, but the few times I’ve acrually hit infinite in this game… I have to be honest once u actually hit infinite, it feels a little hollow. You feel like that meme from that Netflix show Narcos where Pablo Escobar is seen in a variety of sad puppy looking poses….

So ywah I’m trying not to focus too hard on infinite this season, however I would like to hit 90 for that Gold.

Anyway, I’m mentioning all this just to point out that this deck does have a bit of a risk factor to it, however it does complement a cunning playstyle, and if you are familiar with like… Most of the most popular decks, it can be a really fun deck to play with…

Its particularly satisfying being able to beat a High Evo’s Hulk with your Leader. Just feels… Fitting…

Anyway, like and subscribe, and here be the deck list:

# (1) Mantis
# (1) Yondu
# (2) Cable
# (2) Daredevil
# (3) Wave
# (4) Absorbing Man
# (4) Shang-Chi
# (4) White Queen
# (5) Kang
# (5) Professor X
# (5) Gamora
# (6) Leader
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.