This was the first deck I tried with the High Evolutionary (aside from that nuts one with Thanos and Galactus that no living soul should ever use)

Truth be told its hard to say how good of a deck it is… Simply because pretty bunch 7 times outta ten these last 2 days it’s been some variant of a high evolutionary deck that I’ve been facing.. Kinda hard to judge the efficacy of this deck at the moment, but I’m assuming that when the living tribunal is out next week and every body realises they should have been hype for him instead, that the deck will be given some space to breath and some time to be refined.

Either way. This was the best version of… What this is.. That I could muster, I was a little torn about Cyclops and Abomination in general for that matter, but I don’t know if that’s just because everybody is running Luke Cage right at the minute.

Anyway, I ended up moving on to a way more steaightforeard HE deck, that pretty much only uses Hulk as the “potential unlocked” card or whatever. It has a kinda cool combo using invisible woman and taskmaster involved which I’m hoping to get a clip up of soon.

In the meantime, like & subscribe.